The third
reunion of the Flying
Circus was held in October, 2002, under the sunny skies and laid back atmosphere of Key
West, Florida. Clay
Greager had a large supply of "two for one" slips
ready, and the frozen margaritas and such
helped those coming
from colder climates get used to the warmer
weather. Clay's store, THE LAST FLIGHT OUT, became a central point for people to
re-group and plan their next adventure. His very able assistant, Fabiola, must
have wondered what had descended upon their peaceful place of business.
This event drew the
attendance so far, with 20 members
and 13 spouses rolling
up. This reunion saw a first in
that several friends and relatives of the
members also came
along. This swelled the
number attending by an additional 11 people.
atmosphere of quiet
friendship that these reunions have become known
for was even more obvious this time. It was pleasing to hear
those who had been apprehensive about attending one of these events express their
pleasant surprise at the way their
were washed away by the greeting they received. An even
greater testimonial to the way this group of such diverse people has come
together on these occasions was to hear the comments from the wives that came
along. They all felt that they were among old friends rather than meeting
strangers for the first time. Many said that they were already looking forward
to the next reunion.
by Frank Vanatta
Last night 30 men and
16 women had a reunion in Key West. The men were all part of a helicopter scout
platoon in Vietnam almost 35 years ago. They were part of the 1st Air Cavalry
Division (The Horse Soldiers). Now they were all over 50 years of age. Old men
by any standard except theirs. The highest ranking officer ever to command that
unit was there. He was a Major.
They arrived in Key
West in ones and two’s from all over the globe. One couple came from
Australia, another guy came from St Croix and then there were places like
Nebraska, Wyoming, New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. Their
backgrounds were very diversified and interesting. For example there was a
Cowboy, a UPS Pilot, a Federal Indian Agent, an Antique Auto Collector/Restorer,
a Vice-President with Paine-Webber, several business owners including an
airplane charter service and a Director of Special Olympics. However, there was
hardly any conversation at all about what anyone was doing in their boring
civilian occupations. There were others but those above give a good cross
reference of where most of us ended up. Educational backgrounds ran from high
school GED to Masters Degrees. Some were career soldiers, most were not. Many
were married at least twice only a very few were still married to their original
wives. Quite a few were collecting on their service connected disabilities from
the VA, some were seriously wounded and still carried the pain and scars. Others
were unscratched. Some of them arrived a day early and some of them only flew in
for the one night. My store seemed to be the jumping off place. The first guy to
show up a day early, then the trickle became a flood and by Friday night they
were all here with the exception of one guy coming in only for Saturday night.
Four days later they
would be all gone, but they will have left with an awakening. This just wasn’t
one of those reunions at a VHPA, AAAA, VVA. This was a renewal of those bonds
that existed between a very small group of people thirty years ago. They became
so interwoven it was like one of those Chinese finger games. The harder anyone
tried to pull away the tighter the bonding got. Initial apprehension turned into
"I’m back where I belong!" These are my brothers! A thousand
handshakes, hundreds of hugs, smiles, laughter and tears were the order of the
day. You can sense what was happening when most didn’t want to leave. It was
like having a successful party, no one leaves and pretty soon breakfast is being
served and the comments heard are, "My God, we stayed up all night."
Only this reunion was several nights.. It began like a darkened theater and
slowly the house lights started coming and when the stage lights covered the
stage there we all were, smiling and waving and singing to the world, "We
Are One."
an excerpt from an article
by Clay Greager -- see REFLECTIONS / LZ KEY WEST 2002 for the full
The following members attended the reunion :
Anderson, Pete & Debbie |
"Snake" |
Conway, Bill & Lydia |
"Swamp Fox" |
Gardiner, Ken & Sally |
"Cisco" |
Grant, Cleveland & Dora |
"Gomer" |
Greager, Clay & Maxine |
"Pop Top" |
Harris, John |
"Little Luke" |
Kuypers, Tom & Pat |
"Cheyenne" |
McCann, Mick & Linda |
"Hawg" |
McKinney, Duke |
"California Flash" |
Oberg, Harry & Jeanna |
"Cowboy" |
Potvin, Bob & Kathy |
"Hoss" |
Rossiter, Steve |
"King Nine" |
Vanatta, Frank & Janice |
"Phantom" |
Villegas, Berni & Cathy |
"Pineapple" |
Zuhlke, Keith & Deb |
"Zonk" |
The following friends and relatives of
members attended the reunion :
Burke, Jeff & Sandra |
brother of Ira Burke |
Burke, Jon |
son of Ira Burke |
Gonzales, Wendy & Mike and Noelle |
daughter of Clay Greager |
Greager, Scott & Lisa and Hallie |
son of Clay Greager |
Greager, Todd & Suzanne and Taylor & Alan |
son of Clay Greager |
Potvin, Adam |
son of Bob Potvin |
Smith, Fabiola |
works with Clay at the LAST FLIGHT OUT |
names left to right or around tables clockwise :
C. Greager & Fabiola - hard at work at
by Vanatta
B. Potvin, S. Estes, P. Riley, T.
Kuypers, P. Kuypers
by Estes
M. Foster, Jeff Burke, Jon Burke, C. Greager
by Zuhlke
D. Grant, C. Grant, S. Estes, M. Estes
by Estes
S. Estes, C. Grant, P. Riley
by Estes
P. Kuypers, B. Potvin, T. Kuypers, F. Vanatta
by Vanatta
L. Conway, L. McCann, M. McCann, B. Conway,
J. Howard
by Estes |
D. Anderson, P. Anderson, L. Conway, B.
Conway, S. Rossiter, D. Zuhlke, K. Zuhlke, T. Kuypers, P. Kuypers
by Vanatta
S. Estes, C. Grant, D. Grant, M. Estes, C. Greager,
J. Oberg, L. McCann, M. McCann, H. Oberg, J. Howard
by Vanatta
D. McKinney, M. Foster, K. Potvin, J.
Vanatta, B. Potvin, J. Harris, K. Gardiner
by Vanatta
C. Villegas, J. Burke, S. Burke, J. Burke, M.
Foster, K. Potvin, J. Vanatta, A. Potvin, B. Potvin, J. Harris
by Vanatta
M. Greager, S. Greager, L. Greager, W.
Gonzales, F. Smith, P. Riley, S. Greager, T. Greager, A. Greager, H.
by Vanatta
S. Greager, L. Greager, H. Greager, N.
Gonzales, W. Gonzales, F. Smith, P. Riley
by Vanatta
S. Rossiter, D. Zuhlke, K. Zuhlke, T. Kuypers,
P. Kuypers, D. Anderson, P. Anderson, L. Conway, B. Conway
by Vanatta
L. McCann, M. McCann, H. Oberg, J. Howard, S.
Estes, C. Grant, D. Grant, M. Estes
by Vanatta
A. Potvin, B. Potvin, J. Harris, K. Gardiner,
D. McKinney, S. Gardiner, C. Villegas, B. Villegas
by Vanatta
S. Gardiner, C. Villegas, B. Villegas, S.
Burke, M. Foster, K. Potvin, J. Vanatta, F. Vanatta, A. Potvin, B. Potvin
by Vanatta
A. Potvin, T. Smith, K. Gardiner, M. Foster,
D. Anderson, D. McKinney, S. Gardiner
by Vanatta
back : D. McKinney, C. Grant, B. Conway, S.
Rossiter, F. Vanatta, C. Greager
front: M. Foster, K. Zuhlke, S. Estes, P. Riley, T.
Kuypers, H. Oberg
by Zuhlke |
as far South as it gets
by Zuhlke |
Ft. Jefferson
by Zuhlke |
sunset - final evening
by Estes |
the final gathering
by Estes |
Impromptu signing session of Tom Smith's
book at the VFW Club by Zuhlke |